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Aloe Vera

Aloe Everybody!

Here we are introducing Aloe Vera – the super plant.

Aloe Vera is a species of succulent plant that provides a HUGE number of health benefits when consumed. Containing A, C and E Vitamins, B1, B2, B3, B12 and B6 Vitamins, choline, folic acid, calcium, chromium, zinc, sodium, selenium, potassium, copper and iron, Aloe Vera is packs a PUNCH of vitamins and minerals.

Decreasing the amount of bad bacteria in our guts, Aloe Vera helps with digestion, aiding with common digestive problems such as bloating and wind. Due to the gelatinous nature of the drink, Aloe Vera moves through the intestinal tract absorbing toxins and therefore helping with detoxification!

But wait – Aloe Vera does more! It improves the blood circulation in the body, boosts the immune system and improves cardiovascular health.

Aloe Vera is also great for your skin, and can be used to help relieve pain of wounds.

We dig Aloe Vera (pun intended) and are sure you will too!

Check out our great Aloe Vera products below!